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Policies and Procedures

Policy Feedback Form

Our policies and procedures provide the framework within which we as an organisation operates. They define what our organisation does and how we do it.  Our clear policies and procedures support effective decision making and delegation because they provide guidelines on what people can and cannot do, what decisions they can make and what activities are appropriate.

We like to include all those people using our service, in the writing and reviewing of our policies and procedures.  If you would like to be a part of this process, please use the 'Policy Feedback From' link above.

Section 1 - Child Protection


1.1 Children's rights and entitlements

1.2 Safeguarding children and child protection

1.3 Looked after children

1.4 Uncollected child

1.5 Missing child

1.6 Use of mobile phones and cameras

1.7 Whistleblowing

Section 2 - Suitable People


2.1 Employment

2.2 Student placements

Section 3 - Staff Qualifications


3.1 Induction of staff, volunteers and managers

3.2 First aid



Section 4 - Keyperson


4.1 The role of the keyperson and settling in

4.2  Home visits

Section 5 - Staffing


5.1 Staffing

5.2 Staff conduct

Section 6 - Health


6.1 Administereing medications

6.2 Managing children who are sick, infectious...

6.3 Recording or reporting of accidents...

6.4 Nappy changing

6.5 Food and drink

6.6 Food hygiene

6.7 Basic kitchen opening and closing checks...

6.8 Individual health plan

Section 7 - Managing Behaviour


7.1 Promoting positive behaviour


Section 8 - Security and Suitability


8.1 Health and safety general standards

8.2 Maintaining children's safety and secruity

8.3 Supervision of children on outings and visits

8.4 Risk assessment

8.5 Fire safety and emergency evacuation

8.6 Aminals in the setting

8.7 No smoking

8.8 Health and safety risk assessment template

8.9 Fire safety risk assessment template


Section 9 - Equal Opportunities


9.1 Valuing diversity and promoting equality

9.2 Supporting children with special educational...

9.3 Social well-being audit

9.4 Access audit

Section 10 - Information and Rec...


10.1 Early years prospectus

10.2 Admissions

10.3 Application to join

10.4 Registration forms

10.5 Parental involvement

10.6 Children's records

10.7 Provider's records

10.8 Transfer of records to school

10.9 Confidentiality and client access to records

10.10 Information sharing

10.11 Working in partnership with other agencies

10.12 Making a complaint

10.13 Childcare terms and conditions

10.14 Notification of leaving

10.15 Fees

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